Medical Test Prep

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Extramarks Medical Test Prep

Extramarks Medical Test Prep is the one stop solution for medical aspirants who have their eyes set on pursuing MBBS/BDS courses from reputed colleges across the country. Extramarks learning solutions are integrated with latest technology which helps learning become exciting, holistic and informed. Be it NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER or any other medical entrance exam, students stand to benefit from the deep, immersive learning provided by Extramarks, focused on concept clarity.

Extramarks has also built a robust testing platform backed by intelligence, which generates extensive reports based on student performance. We provide a variety of practice and test papers which help aspirants gain confidence, even towards cracking complex questions. Students are also digitally mentored towards identifying their gap and strength areas so as to make the road to their dream colleges smooth!

LPT – Three-Pronged Approach to Success

Extramarks believes in giving all its learners a seamless, holistic learning experience. For this, it adopts the pedagogical approach of Learn-Practice-Test. Under learn, first of all, absolute concept clarity is ensured to students through rich, visual learning modules. Then, through a variety of services, application and practice of learnt concepts is undertaken. And finally, different kinds of tests are curated and presented to the students for them to assess their level of preparation and understanding.



Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage

Under the LPT pedagogical approach, all concepts are taught through visual, multimedia rich learning modules.

Adaptive Testing

Extramarks customizes learning based on the level of preparation of the student. Our tests progressively become more difficult, thus coaching the student to crack complex questions with ease.


With the Extramarks Scheduler feature, you can plan your learning time-table, and be more organized in your studies.

Formulae at your Fingertips

Important formulae and equations are collated separately, in order to be available for quick access and revision.

Previous Years Papers

We provide our learners with previous year papers along with the solutions to help them understand the format and type followed in the past.

Reports and Analytics

We deeply analyse the student performance and generate reports to help identify gap and strength areas. These intelligence backed statistics are provided for each subject and chapter and help students prepare for entrances in a more informed manner.

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